Global Gifts
Making A Better Way For Artisans in Developing Nations
With four locations in three cities - Indianapolis and Bloomington, Indiana and Columbus, Ohio - Global Gifts has been making a better way for artisans in developing nations since 1988.
Started as a nonprofit outreach by the First Mennonite Church of Indianapolis, Global Gifts provides the producers of artisan quality goods ready access to market outlets within the midwestern United States. This makes it possible for these artisans to have long term financial security which they would otherwise not have.
Being Fair Trade Certified by Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International means that the artisans who produce the goods are paid a fair price for their products, often twice or more what they would otherwise be paid. All goods are produced in safe and healthy workplaces that treat all artisans as equals regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or other factors.
The goods brought to market by Global Gifts are created in harmony with ecologically sustainable and environmentally friendly principles and with mindfulness of bird and animal habitat preservation. Under the watchful eye of Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International, children are protected from child labor and exploitation and are provided with the opportunity to attend classes and pursue an education for a better quality of life.
Global Gifts offers the consumer many unique goods, ranging from jewelry to hand crafted home decor, fair trade coffee, tea and chocolates, toys, games, books and musical instruments. All of the goods and merchandise brought to market by the four stores of Global Gifts is Fair Trade Certified.